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16-1-1 pve 4.4 ZFS

Hello Friends, How I can in a running Proxmox 3.4 system , introduce the new ZFS file system.
The system has 4 disks. 2 * 1TB ( RAID1 ) and as a backup 2 * 3TB ( RAID1 ). This root ist 1 of 2 nodes in a cluster . What ist the best way, to share the 3*tb hdd for the second node too ?.


1st you need to know, what's the device name in /dev/
Login to Proxmox terminal & type this
ls /dev/sd*

& choose the right device (usually its sdb)
to create a ZFS on sdb type the following command.
zpool create -f -o ashift=12 Backup-Drive /dev/sdb
(the Backup-Drive name is optional, you can change it with whatever you want)
Now your Backup-Drive is ready to use, Use Proxmox GUI (Datacenter=>Storage) & add ZFS , (ID should be anything and Zfs Pool is /Backup-Drive)
Now, ZFS have overheads on memory, & it can eat all the memory, its good idea to limit it.
Create a file nano /etc/modprobe.d/zfs.conf
and add the following line

# Min 2048MB / Max 4096 MB Limit
options zfs zfs_arc_min=2147483648
options zfs zfs_arc_max=4294967296

Save and exit.


hello i create a zfs pool and die command too
zfs create -V 1000G ZFS-Pool/1TB-Daten
but in the proxmox storage is the ZFS-Pool not visible, when i try to add a hdd.

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